Sisters Of Battle Conversion

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Fixing the Sisters of Battleby Tim PeersLet's face it, at the moment the Sisters of Battle are the least effectiverace in 40k- which is hardly surprising since they were originally designedas more of a force for special scenarios, or as an ally contingent. In the new40k, where allies are pretty rare, they need some help to become a truly stand-aloneforce.The Problems1)RangeAs it stands, the Sisters are out-ranged by every other race in 40k.

Even Tyranidscan shoot farther, and generally more effectively. On its own, this isn't aproblem- the Sisters are supposed to be a short-ranged force- but it leads nicelyinto the second problem.2)MobilityThe Sisters just don't have the speed to get their short-ranged weapons intoposition.

When the Sisters of Battle are tired of waiting for the Space Marines to break the front lines, they call in their own titans!! Checkout one amazing model brought to us by hobby maniac Abe Peterka. “Play the symphony of death!”. With a small investment sisters can be given flamers which allows the Sisters of Battle a powerful early game especially against mob races such as Orks and Imperial guard where their large squad size is vulnerable to aoe damage. Missionary Scout unit for the Sisters of Battle.

The core model is from the Raging Heroes line; the sword is from FW's marine line, which looked pretty average-sized for the super soldiers, but had a nicely slightly oversized look on a battle sister; the wings are from Malifaux's Kaeris- the original Scibor ones proved too bulky and a bit of a disappointing cast, considering some nice detail work regarding their sculpting.

Sisters Of Battle Conversion

Immolators and Rhinos are standard speed APCs, and Seraphim squadsare equipped with few weapons which can take out tough targets- only melta-bombscan do it, and this will leave the Seraphim so exposed as to sign their deathwarrant (after all, there's no reason for the tank to stay off open ground).Coupled with the short range of their weapons, this makes it very hard for theSisters to take out hard targets.3)SkillThe Sisters are overall the least skillful troops in 40k. In their entire armylist, a grand total of one unit gets a WS or BS or 4- and that's the Canoness!Even Imperial Guard have access to better Elites and as skillful commanders.If you finally do manage to get a Multi-Melta into position to fire, it takesnerves of steel to trust your one chance to kill a tank to someone with a BSof 3.Extreme Example:Consider Sisters of Battle vs. Chaos Space Marines. Included in the Chaos armyare a Land Raider, Chaos Dreadnought with twin autocannon, and some Raptors.The Land Raider is invulnerable to every weapon in the opposing army exceptthe Melta weapons, and even these need to get very close indeed to have anychance of damaging it. The Dreadnought can gun down Sisters at will so longas it avoids getting within 24' of a Multi-Melta- they have no way to hitback. Any Rhinos or Immolators trying to deploy squads in range are easy meatto lascannon and autocannon fire, even without taking the rest of the Chaosarmy into account. Every weapon in the Chaos force will be pointed at the unfortunateSeraphim- the only troops who can kill tanks if they take Melta-bombs.

Finally,the Raptors can outmanoeuvre and outfight everything in the Sisters force- onlySeraphim can catch them, and they lack both the skill and the weapons to doany appreciable damage. 3+Weapons: Bolt PistolOptions: The Canoness may have up to two choices from the Sisters ofBattle Weapons List. The Canoness may have a Jump Pack at +20pts, and twin-linkedbolt pistols at +4pts. 3+Squad: The squad consists of one Sister Superior and between4 and 9 Celestians.Weapons: The Celestians are armed with bolt guns. The Sister Superiormay exchange her boltgun for a bolt pistol and close combat weapon at no extrapoints cost.Options: Up to one Celestian may be armed with the following weapons:Heavy Bolter +10 points, Heavy Flamer +15 points, or a Multi-Melta at +25 points.The whole squad may have Frag Grenades at +1 points per model, Krak grenadesat +2 points per model and Melta-Bombs at +4 points/model.Up to one Celestian may be armed with a flamer at +3 points or a meltagun at+10 points.Characters: The Sister Superior may be upgraded to a Veteran SisterSuperior at a cost of +10 points.

The Veteran Sister Superior may also be givena single choice from the Sisters of Battle Weapons LIst.Rhino: The squad may be mounted in a Rhino APC at a cost of 50 points.TROOPSBattle Sisters Squad. 3+Squad: The squad consists of one Sister Superior and between 4 and 9Battle Sisters.Weapons: Boltguns. The Sister Superior may exchange her boltgun fora bolt pistol and close combat weapon at no additional points cost.Options: Up to one Battle Sister may be armed with one of the followingweapons: Heavy Bolter at +10 points, Heavy Flamer at +15 points, or a Multi-Meltaat +25 points.Up to one Battle Sister may be armed with a flamer at +3 points or a Meltagunat +10 points.The squad may be armed with Frag Grenades at +1 points/model and Krak Grenadesat +2 points/model.Characters: The Sister Superior may be upgraded to a Veteran SisterSuperior at a cost of +10 points.

Sister Repentium

The Veteran Sister Superior may also be givena single choice from the Sisters of Battle Weapons LIst.Rhino: The squad may be mounted in a Rhino APC at a cost of 50 points.FAST ATTACKSeraphim Squad. 3+Squad: The squad consists of one Sister Superior and between 4 and 9Seraphim.Weapons: Twin-linked bolt pistols and frag grenades.

The Sister Superiormay exchange her bolt pistols for a bolt pistol and close combat weapon at noadditional points cost.Options: Up to one Seraphim may replace her bolt pistols with twin hand-flamers(count as a single flamer) for an additional cost of +6 points.The squad may be armed with Krak Grenades at +2 points/model and Melta Bombsat +4 points/model.Characters: The Sister Superior may be upgraded to a Veteran SisterSuperior at a cost of +10 points. The Veteran Sister Superior may also be givena single choice from the Sisters of Battle Weapons List.Jump Packs: The squad are equipped with jump packs.Land Speeder. 3+Squad: The squad consists of one Sister Superior and between 4 and 9Battle Sisters.Weapons: Boltguns. The Sister Superior may exchange her boltgun fora bolt pistol and close combat weapon at no additional points cost.Options: Up to four Battle Sisters may be armed with one of the followingweapons: Heavy Bolter at +10 points, Heavy Flamer at +15 points, or a Multi-Meltaat +25 points.The squad may be armed with Frag Grenades at +1 points/model and Krak Grenadesat +2 points/model.Character: The Sister Superior may be upgraded to a Veteran Sister Superiorat a cost of +10 points.

The Veteran Sister Superior may also be given a singlechoice from the Sisters of Battle Weapons List.Rhino: The squad may be mounted in a Rhino APC at a cost of 50 points.Immolator: If the squad numbers six or fewer models then the entiresquad may be mounted in an Immolator at an additional cost of +70 points.Immolator. 4Type: TankCrew: Battle SistersWeapons: Twin-Linked Heavy BoltersOptions: The heavy bolters may be upgraded to: Twin-linked Lascannon+20pts, Multi-Melta +5pts.Transport: The Razorback may carry up to 6 Battle Sisters.Comments on the additions.Celestian Retinue Upgrades: This allows the Celestian Retinue to become eliteSeraphim. The main reason for this is so they will at least have some chanceof hitting simultaneously with most other troops. It also allows the creationof a jump-packing command squad (for those people who have made Seraphim commandsquads from the old codex, for example.) which fits the whole hard-and-fast,close quarters philosophy well.Land Speeders: The addition of Land Speeders is deliberately very limited-only one per fast attack choice, and only the two classic Ecclesiarchy weapons-Flamer and Melta. As well as having Land Speeders made for them in small numbers,the Sisters could also use civilian skimmers with a Retributor leaning out ofthe window, so the idea of them having this very limited option makes some sense.Bike Squads: Bikers also fit in well with the way the Sisters operate. Theyprovide some extra mobility, and at least some chance of destroying armour withshort-ranged meltagun fire.

For Dark Souls III on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic. Outside of it are 3 Banshees each 350 souls 3. 2 heavy soul arrow. This is the fastest early soul farm spot i found. You know any better ones? I'm currently at Farron Keep and feeling rather under leveled at SL 26. Any good places to gain a few levels before I progress any farther? Dark souls 3 early soul farming. May 19, 2018 - To increase soul farming, equip the Symbol of Avarice, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring. A good early game spot for sorcerers or pyromancers.

As with the Land Speeders, I've limited them toFlamer and Melta weapons to fit in with the rest of the force. Again, thesecould be seen as custom-built bikes, or commandeered civilian ones.Razorbacks: It's important to note that the Razorback is a HEAVY SUPPORT CHOICEONLY. It's intended to represent exactly what it is- a make-do stop-gap vehicle.Since the Razorback is essentially an Immolator with a different weapons fit,there is no reason why the Ecclesiarchy would not have them, but they wouldbe rare. This is the only unit in the army list with access to Lascannons, givingthe Sisters some sort of ranged anti-tank punch without turning them into atank-nut army.A note on modelsObviously some conversion would be necessary to use some of these suggestions.A Sisters of Battle Land Speeder is not too hard to do, just involving the replacingof the crew.

Bikers are harder to do since more of the rider is visible. Butcan probably be made from Seraphim. A Sisters of Battle Razorback is very easyto make by combining the Razorback with the Immolator's decorated armour platesand gunner. All this would of course be much easier if we had some plastic BattleSisters though.ConclusionWell, there it is. I hope some of this will be useful to someone out there inGW land. I think I've made suggestions that make the army more solid withoutlosing its character. Now, lets go find some heretics before my brand gets cold.